Beautiful portraits of the Sultans of the Ottoman Empire

AL-SHIDYAQ, Selim Faris Effendy (editor).
Abda' ma-kan fi suwar Salatin Al 'Uthman. Album des souverains Ottomans édité par Selim Faris Effendy.
Istanbul and Leipzig, Matba'at al-Jawaib and Carl Garte, [1885]. Ca. 22 x 16 cm. With 34 lithographed portraits, a lithographed title and an index. Contemporary grey decorated boards, with the title lettered in gold on both boards, gold edges, decorated endpapers. [36] ll. Full description
€ 5,000
Istanbul and Leipzig, Matba'at al-Jawaib and Carl Garte, [1885]. Ca. 22 x 16 cm. With 34 lithographed portraits, a lithographed title and an index. Contemporary grey decorated boards, with the title lettered in gold on both boards, gold edges, decorated endpapers. [36] ll. Full description