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Beautiful festival book, published on the occasion of the arrival of Marie de' Medici in Amsterdam

BARLAEUS, Caspar (BAERLE, Kasper van). Marie de Medicis, entrant dans Amsterdam: ou histoire de la reception faicte à la reyne mere du roy tres-Chrestien.
Amsterdam, Joan & Cornelis Blaeu, 1638. Folio. With 17 engraved plates (1 frontispiece, 15 double page, and 1 folding), a woodcut coat-of-arms of the city of Amsterdam on the title-page, and two decorated woodcut initials. Near contemporary gold-tooled brown morocco, with the coat-of-arms of the Comte de Calenberg on both boards, a black morocco title label on the spine lettered in gold, gold-tooled board edges, gilt edges, marbled end papers. 97, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Important for modern medicine

BERGEN, Heinrich von. Versuch einer Monographie der China.
Hamburg, Hartwig &Muller, 1826. 2 volumes. Text volume 4to & atlas volume in royal folio. With 8 hand coloured engraved plates by Gustav Andreas Forsmann, and 5 leaves with 10 folding tables in the atlas volume. Uniform original blue boards, the atlas volume is a portfolio with the plates loosely inserted and remnants of blue closing ties. XI, [1], 348 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Fascinating large watercolour of an African lion by a well-known 19th-century French nature draughtsman

BEVALET, Antoine Germain. Lion dAfrique.
[France], 1839. Ca. 65 x 81 cm. Watercolour and ink drawing on wove paper (with a part of an unidentified watermark ["igant & C"] in the upper right corner). Titled Lion dAfrique, signed "Bevalet" and dated "1839" in black ink in the lower part. Full description
€ 6,500
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One of the very first Rembrandt catalogues ever made,
with more than 600 full-page photogravures of his works

BODE, Wilhelm and Cornelis HOFSTEDE DE GROOT. The complete work of Rembrandt. History, description and heliographic reproduction of all the master's pictures with a study of his life and his art.
Paris, Charles Sedelmeyer, 1897-1906. 8 volumes. Folio. With 622 full-page photogravure plates. Later brown mottled calf, with the title and volume number lettered in gold on the spine, the original cloth front wrappers used as title-pages. [2 blank], [8], 178, [2]; [2 blank], [6], 178, [2]; [2 blank], [6], 202, [2]; [2 blank], [6], 223, [1]; [2 blank], [6], 213, [3]; [2 blank], [6], 206, [3]; [2 blank], [6], 254, [2]; [2 blank], VI, [2], 381, [1], [6 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Very rare first edition of an emblem book illustrated by Theodore de Bry

BOISSARD, Jean Jacques. Theatrum vitae humanae ...
Metz, printed by Abraham Faber for Theodor de Bry in Frankfurt am Main, 1596. 4to. With the title set in an elaborate engraved frame of ornaments and illustrations representing the four stages of human life (birth, marriage, active life, and death) with short bible verses below, a half-page engraved portrait of the author (on leaf é2r in the preliminaries), and 60 half-page engraved emblems in the text, engraved by Theodor de Bry. Further with numerous woodcut decorated initials, head- and tail-pieces throughout. 17th-century vellum. [1], [1 blank], [14], 266 pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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First German edition of sermons on human actions
and mainly the Quattuor Novissima - the Four Last Things

BONAVENTURA (pseudo); [attributed to Durand of CHAMPAGNE]. Sermo[n]es quattuor novissimorum perutiles et nec[ess]arij. unu[m]que[m]q[ue] in devot[i]o[n]is ardore[m] dei q[uam] timore[m] [in]ducentes.
[Colophon: Cologne, Cornelius von Zierickzee, ca. 1502]. Small 8vo (ca. 12.5 x 10 cm). With a small woodcut illustration surrounded by woodcut border decorations on the title-page and two full-page woodcut illustrations in the text. The text is set in Gothic type. Later half vellum with marbled paper sides, blue edges. [2 blank], VII, [120] ll. Full description
€ 6,500
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1602 edition of Botero's pioneering physical and political geography of the world,
with 4 maps of the continents by Girolamo Porro

BOTERO, Giovanni. Le relationi universali . . ., divise in quattro parti . . . Nuovamente ristampate, & corrette.
Venice, Nicolo Polo & Comp., 1602. 4 parts in 1 volume. 4to. General title-page and 3 part-titles, all 4 with the same woodcut device (sun in scrollwork cartouche), 4 folding engraved maps (ca. 25×18.5 cm) showing Europe, Asia (including Japan), Africa and the Americas, by Girolamo Porro. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [32], 240; [20], 152; 183, [9]; [16], 79 pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Official record of an important French circumnavigation around the world

BOUGAINVILLE, Hyacinthe-Yves-Philippe POTENTIEN, Baron de. Journal de la navigation autour du globe de la frégate la Thétis et de la corvette l'Espérance pendant les années 1824, 1825 et 1826.
Paris, Impr. De Rignoux for Arthus Bertrand, 1837. 2 text volumes (4to) and 1 atlas volume (folio: 545 x 350 mm). With 34 full-page lithographed views and costume plates, 12 hand-coloured, full-page engraved plates, a double-page, hand-coloured aquatint, 7 engraved maps (1 folding, 6 double-page), 2 double-page plates, and few steel-engraved illustrations in the text. Later three-quarter red morocco. VIII, 742; XVI, 351, 165, [3] pp. Full description
€ 45,000
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The greatest collection of travel writings on the Americas assembled in early modern Europe

BRY, Theodor de. [The great voyages in Latin].
Frankfurt am Main and Oppenheim, Johann Wechel, Matthias Becker, Johann Feyrabend, Hieronymus Galle and Johannes Hofer, 1590-1620. 11 parts in 3 volumes. Folio (ca. 33 x 23.8 cm). With 11 maps (mostly folding), 300 engraved plates (double-page, full-page and in text), engraved title-pages to each part, numerous decorated woodcut initials, and numerous woodcut head- and tailpieces. 18th-century gold-tooled Dutch red morocco, bound by the Double Drawer Handle Bindery in Amsterdam, gold-tooled spines, with green morocco title-labels lettered in gold, marbled edges, marbled endpapers. Full description
€ 375,000
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Highly important collection of travel writings on African and Asia, in a contemporary binding

BRY, Theodor de. [The small voyages in Latin].
Frankfurt, Wolfgang Richter, Matthaeus Becker, 1598-1613. 10 parts in 2 volumes. Folio. With an engraved title page for each part, 11 maps (folding and double-page), 243 engraved plates (double-page, full-page and in text), and numerous decorated woodcut initials and head- and tailpieces throughout. Contemporary vellum with overlapping fore edge, the manuscript title on the spine, remnants of closing ties. Full description
€ 350,000
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