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Dutch translation of a contemporary account of the King of Sweden's actions during the Thirty Years' War, abundantly illustrated with hand coloured engraves plates

[ABELIN, Johann Philipp] and Cornelis DANCKERTSZ (translator). Historis oft waerachtich verhael van den gantschen toestant van oorlooge soo die ghevoert is in Duytschlandt door den grootmachtigsten en onverwinnelicksten koningh Gustavus Adolphus. Coninck der Sweeden, &c.
Amsterdam, Cornelis Danckertsz, 1642. 3 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With an engraved title-page, 11 (of 12) large folding maps and views, 42 double page engraved plates, 5 full page engraved plates, 51 engraved portraits in the text, and 9 small engraved views in the text. All engravings (except one small engraving of coins in the text) are expertly coloured by a contemporary hand and with the engraved title-page also highlighted in gold. Further with a large woodcut headpiece, a large woodcut tailpiece, and 2 large woodcut decorated initials. Contemporary gold-tooled overlapping vellum with a large lozenge shaped ornamental centre piece within a double fillet frame on both boards, the title in manuscript on the spine, gilt edges. [1], [1 blank], [10], 208, 183, [1], 202, [14] pp. Full description
€ 38,500
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The book by Abraham the Jew that Nicolas Flamel allegedly gained his skill from

ABRAHAM ELEAZAR, Rabbi, [Julius Gervasius von SCHWARZBURG (attributed)]. Uraltes Chymisches Werk.
Including: [IDEM]. Donum dei Samuelis Baruch, des Juden Rabbi.
Leipzig, Lankischens Buchhandlung, 1760. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, 15 numbered full-page engravings, numerous woodcut illustrations in the text, woodcut decorated initials, and woodcut head- and tailpieces at the beginning and end of each part. Modern silver- and blind-tooled greenish-brown leather with a red morocco title label lettered in silver on the spine, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [26], 122, [14], [1], [1 blank], [10]; [1], [1 blank], 104, [12] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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Fourth edition of a scientific milestone: Agricola’s classic on mining and metallurgy

AGRICOLA, Georgius. De re metallica libri XII. Quibus officia, instrumenta, machinae, ac omnia denique ad metallicam spectantia, non modo luculentissime describuntur ... Quibus accesserunt hâc ultimâ editione, tractatus ejusdem argumenti, ab eodem conscripti, sequentes. De animantibus subterraneis ... De ortu & causis subterraneorum ... De natura eorum quae effluunt ex terra ... De natura fossilium ... De veteribus & novis metallis ... Bermannus sive de re metallica, dialogus ...
Basel, Emanuel König, 1657. Folio (ca. 34.5 x 20.5 cm). With a woodcut illustration on the title page (identical to the one printed on p. 176), 2 folding woodcut plates (one depicting a sundial) and 289 woodcut illustrations and diagrams in the text, including 68 almost full-page. Contemporary sprinkled calf. [1], [1 blank], [3], [3 blank], [8], 708, [58], [2 blank], [32] pp. Full description
€ 6,850
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Annotated copy of a highly important work on Western occultism,
from the library of the infamous Haven O'More

AGRIPPA VON NETTESHEIM, Henricus Cornelius. De occulta philosophia libri tres.
[Cologne, Johann Soter], (colophon:) 1533. Folio. With a woodcut portrait of the author on the title page, 12 woodcut illustrations in the text, 28 letterpress tables, numerous symbols in the text, and numerous decorated woodcut initials. Contemporary elaborately blind-tooled brown calf. Kept in a custom-made clamshell box of burgundy cloth. [12], CCCLXII pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Rare early edition of a popular book of botanical, mineralogical and zoological wonders,
with a large woodcut of the author among his books

ALBERTUS MAGNUS (pseudo). Liber secretorum ... De virtutibus herbarum: & animalium quorundam. Eiusdemq[ue] liber De mirabilibus mundi: & etiam de quibusdam effectibus causatis a quibusdam animalibus &c.
(Colophon: Venice, Johan Baptist Sessa, 12 February 1502). Small 4to (21 x 15.5 cm). With a large woodcut portrait of the author at his desk. Gold-tooled maroon morocco (ca. 1870/90?) for James Carnegie, 9th Earl of Southesk (1827-1905), gilt edges. 16 ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Beautifully illustrated hand-coloured and highlighted in gold album amicorum in an elaborately gold- and blind-tooled binding dated 1590

[ALBUM AMICORUM - EQUESTRIANISM - HERALDRY]. [Late 16th- and early 17th-century album amicorum].
[North-western Europe (specifically the vicinity of Brussels?)], [1585-1615]. 4to. With 45 hand-coloured and highlighted in gold engraved plates of horses and their riders from Europe, North Africa, and the Near and Middle East, numbered 1-50 (skipping nos. 2, 21, 27, 35, and 36), 46 hand-coloured and highlighted in gold engraved heraldic plates (sometimes filled in with manuscript notes), 2 hand-coloured manuscript coats-of-arms on l. 15v, and 1 black and gold hand-coloured manuscript coat of arms on the back paste-down. Contemporary elaborately gold- and blind-tooled mottled calf, with gold lettering on both boards (front: RVB HZC VFB C.) (back: 1590). 164 ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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Fascinating album amicorum of a German captain in military service of the Batavian and French Imperial Army

[ALBUM AMICORUM - HEINRICH, Carl Gottlieb]. [Album amicorum of Carl Gottlieb Heinrich with entries written in Bischofswerda and surroundings, The Netherlands, France, Batavia in the Dutch East Indies, Bengal, and Reading, England].
[Bischofswerda and surroundings, etc., 1802-1818]. 8vo oblong (12.8 x 18.2 cm). Richly illustrated with 13 watercolour drawings, some full-page, of tombs, a temple of friendship, vases, hunting scene, nice portraits, basket with fruit, etc., 2 views: washed drawings of Cape Town (folding) and Jamestown, St Helena, 2 drawings of children and an altar, 6 (stippled) engraved small plates pasted down of Amor, the military camp of Wallenstein, children and exotic people, and 3 embroideries. Contemporary gold-tooled marbled calf with a lighter brown leather oval inset as a centrepiece in both boards, gold-tooled spine with red and green morocco labels lettered in gold "Denkmal der Freundschaft" and an initial "H" (= Heinrich) in a gold-tooled laurel wreath, gilt edges, marbled endpapers. 120 ff., irregularly paginated: some ff. apparently cut out, some added. Full description
€ 4,500
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The work that spread Ptolemy's ideas in Europe

AL-FARGHANI, Ahmad ibn Mohammad ibn Kathir and Jacob CHRISTMANN (translator). Chronologica et astronomica elementa, e Palatinae bibliothecae veteribus libris versa, expleta, & scholiis expolita.
Frankfurt, Andreas Wechel (heirs of), Claude de Marne, and Johann Aubry, 1590. 8vo. With a woodcut vignette on the title page and the final leaf, a woodcut decorated initial, and a woodcut head- and tailpiece. Near contemporary overlapping vellum with the manuscript title on the spine, remnants of ties, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [12], [2 blank], 565, [1], [1 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 17,500
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Fables for Christians, by one of the founders of Rosicrucianism

[ANDREAE, Johann Valentin]. Mythologiae Christianae sive virtutum & vitiorum vitae humanae imaginum. Libri tres.
Strasbourg, heirs of Lazarus Zetzner, [1619].
With: (2) [GESSEL, Timan van]. Synopsis locorum sacrae scripturae patrum, et recentiorum quorundam theologorum, quibus demonstratur, quaenam sint ad salutem creditu necessaria & sufficientia.
Amsterdam, [Joan Blaeu?], 1650. 2 works in 1 volume. 12mo. Ad 1: with an engraved title-page, a small woodcut device on the two divisional title-pages and some woodcut initials. Ad 2: with the title-page printed in red and black, a woodcut headpiece and initial. Contemporary vellum with title in ink on spine. [24], 352, [7], [1 blank]; [38], 197, [1] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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The Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament from the famous Antwerp Polyglot

ARIAS MONTANUS, Benito (editor). Novum testamentum Graecum.
[Geneva], Petrus de la Rouière, 1619.
With: (2) PAGNINI, Sante (translator) and Benito ARIAS MONTANUS (editor). Biblia Hebraica eorundem Latina interpretatio ...
[Geneva], Petrus de la Rouière, 1618.2 works in 1 volume, both in 4 parts. Folio. With numerous decorated woodcut initials and woodcut headpieces, the work is printed in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew type. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum with remnants of closing ties, red gauffered edges. [8], 271, [1 blank], [50], [2 blank], [4], 70, [2 blank], 167, [1 blank]; 183, [1], 283, [1 blank], 84, 203, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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