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The book that opened America

ACOSTA, José de. Historie naturael ende morael van de Westersche Indien.
Enkhuizen, Jacob Lenaertsz. Meyn (colophon: Haarlem, printed by Gillis Rooman), 1598. 8vo. With a woodcut decoration on the title-page. Vellum (ca. 1700?). [7], 398, [8] ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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The work that spread Ptolemy's ideas in Europe

AL-FARGHANI, Ahmad ibn Mohammad ibn Kathir and Jacob CHRISTMANN (translator). Chronologica et astronomica elementa, e Palatinae bibliothecae veteribus libris versa, expleta, & scholiis expolita.
Frankfurt, Andreas Wechel (heirs of), Claude de Marne, and Johann Aubry, 1590. 8vo. With a woodcut vignette on the title page and the final leaf, a woodcut decorated initial, and a woodcut head- and tailpiece. Near contemporary overlapping vellum with the manuscript title on the spine, remnants of ties, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [12], [2 blank], 565, [1], [1 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 17,500
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One of the first European works on Egyptian medicine

ALPINUS, Prosper and Jacob de BONDT. Medicina Aegyptiorum. Accessit huic editione ejusdem auctoris liber de balsamo ut et Jacobi Bontii medicina Indorum. Editio nova.
(2) ALPINUS, Prosper. De balsamo dialogus.
Leiden, Cornelis Boutesteyn, 1718.
(3) BONTIUS, Jacobus. De medicina Indorum.
Leiden, Cornelis Boutesteyn, 1718.
(4) ALPINUS, Prosper. De rhapontico.
Leiden, ex officina Boutesteiniana, 1718.
Leiden, ex officina Boutesteiniana, 1718-1719. 4 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With a general title page printed in red and black, 7 engravings (1 folding, 5 full-page, 1 in the text), divisional titles for each part with an engraved vignette, 18 decorated woodcut initials, 13 woodcut headpieces, and 12 woodcut tailpieces. Contemporary vellum with the manuscript title on the spine, red and blue sprinkled edges. [24], 325, [47]; [4], 3-44, [4]; 109, [2], [1 blank]; 25, [1], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Exceptionally rare work on Persian heart medicine by a famous 13th-century physician

AL-SAMARQANDI, Najib Al-Din. [Arabic title in red]. [Fi-qawanin tarkib al-adwiyat al-qalbiya, minkalam Mawla-na Najib ad-in al-Samarqandi = Rules for the making of heart drugs from the words of our Revered Master Najib ad-Din al-Samarqandi].
[Iran/ Iraq?], (colophon:) 11 Rabi ath-Thani 894 AH [= March 1489 CE]. 8vo. Arabic manuscript written in black ink, rubricated throughout, in a small and neat naskh Arabic hand (19 lines per page with corresponding blind ruling visible in the paper). 18th-century(?) sprinkeled brown calf with a gold- and red-tooled arabesque center-piece on both boards, modern reddish-brown calf spine. [4] pp. Full description
€ 12,000
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Beautiful portraits of the Sultans of the Ottoman Empire

AL-SHIDYAQ, Selim Faris Effendy (editor). Abda' ma-kan fi suwar Salatin Al 'Uthman. Album des souverains Ottomans édité par Selim Faris Effendy.
Istanbul and Leipzig, Matba'at al-Jawaib and Carl Garte, [1885]. Ca. 22 x 16 cm. With 34 lithographed portraits, a lithographed title and an index. Contemporary grey decorated boards, with the title lettered in gold on both boards, gold edges, decorated endpapers. [36] ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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Plantin's only Dutch bible

[BIBLE - DUTCH - LOUVAIN]. Den bibel inhoudende het oudt ende nieuw testament.
Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1566. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With the title page printed in red and black within an elaborate woodcut frame, 2 maps in the Old Testament, and 9 woodcut illustrations in the text of the New Testament. The majority of the text is set in gothic type with incidental roman type. Further with a woodcut decorated initial at the start of every bible book, some ornamental woodcut tailpieces, and a headpiece at the start of the New Testament. Early 18th-century blind-tooled English "Cambridge panel" binding with polished brown calf, re-backed with the original spine laid down. [1016] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Estienne's monumental Bible

[BIBLE]. ESTIENNE, Robert (editor). Biblia breves in eadem annotationes, ex doctis ...
- [New Testament (no divisional title as published)].
- Hebraica, Chaldaea, Graecáque & Latina nomina virorum ...
- Index rerum et sentiarum quae in Veteris & novi testamenti libris continentur.
Paris, Roberti Stephani [= Robert Estienne], 1532. 4 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With Estienne's large olive-tree device on the general title page and the divisional titles of parts 3 (interpretatio) and 4 (index) page, a woodcut decorative border around the word "Biblia" on the general title page, and 79 decorated metalcut (criblé) initials. Modern gold-tooled brown calf, with the title lettered in gold on the spine, red sprinkled edges. [10], 388; 94; 37; 57, [1], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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Very rare, large map of North and South America, showing the political developments of the 1820s and 30s

BRUÉ, Adrien Hubert. Nouvelle carte de l'Amerique meridionale, et des îles qui en dépendent ...
Paris, Mme Vve Brue, 1834-1835.
With: (2) BRUÉ, Adrien Hubert. Nouvelle carte de l'Amerique septentrionale, du Groënland et des îles qui en dépendent.
Paris, Charles Picquet, 1835. All maps ca. 93 x 65 cm. With 8 large, folding, cloth-backed maps. The maps are housed in a contemporary folder of purple paste paper, which is housed in contemporary slipcase of gold-tooled brown calf on the edges, with the author and title lettered in gold on the spine, and purple paste paper sides. [8] maps. Full description
€ 8,500
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Very rare first account of the death of Captain Cook

[COOK, James (subject)]. Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Seereisen des berühmten Capitain Cook.
Reval [= Tallinn, Estonia] & Leipzig, Albrecht und Compagnie, 1780.
With: (2) Briefe aus England historisch-statistisch und artistischen Inhalts. 1s Heft.
Reval [= Tallinn, Estonia] & Leipzig, Albrecht und Compagnie, 1780.
2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With a woodcut ship on the title-page of ad 2 and woodcut headpieces in both works. Contemporary half calf, brown sprinkled paper sides, brown morocco spine label with title in gold. 48; [14], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 148,500
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First state of an early 19th-century engraving depicting a Catholic mission by women in Kentucky

COURTOIS (engraver). Klyn Loretten in Noord-America. Petit Lorette Etats Unis de lAmerique. Little Loretto Kentucky United States of America.
[Mechelen?, 1816?]. Sheet size ca. 25.5 x 32.5 cm. Engraved view (plate size ca. 25 x 30 cm) depicting the religious community "Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross" in Kentucky, with the engraved title in Dutch, French, and English below the view, including 10 lettered keys referring to the plate. Signed "Dessiné et Gravé par Courtois à Malines" in the plate. [1] l. Full description
€ 3,500
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