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Europe / Cartography & Exploration

Travelling in Russia in 1835: Russia through the eyes of an Utrecht professor

ACKERSDIJCK, Jan. Verhaal eener reize in Rusland, gedaan in het jaar 1835.
Groningen, W. van Boekeren, 1840. 2 volumes. 8vo. With a lithographed frontispiece of the "Alexander column" in Saint Petersburg in volume 1. Contemporary marbled boards. [6], XIV, 302; [4], VI, [2], 363 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Graphically stunning 3-volume historical manuscript atlas

[ATLAS - HISTORICAL]. Atlas historique. - Souvenirs historiques. - Tableaux et cartes.
[Montpellier?], [date on spine of vol. 1:] 1851. 3 volumes. Folio (vol. 1) and large 4to (vols. 2-3). Neatly written manuscripts on paper with 23 graphically vibrant maps, coloured in outline with subtly shaded washes in grey (for the coasts) and numerous bright colours (for political boundaries), and with calligraphic headings. Contemporary bindings: vol. 1 red half goatskin; vol. 2 black half goatskin; vol. 3 black sheepskin. [1], [26 double]; [1], [22 double]; [1], 30 double, [1] ll. Full description
€ 1,750
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"The greatest and finest atlas ever published", with 610 maps, plans and views,
coloured by a contemporary hand

BLAEU, Joan. Grooten atlas, oft werelt-beschryving, in welcke t aerdryck, de zee, en hemel, wort vertoont en beschreven.
Amsterdam, Joan Blaeu, 1664-1665. 9 volumes. Imperial folio (55.5 × 36.5 cm). With 9 engraved title-pages, an engraved frontispiece and 610 engraved maps, views, plans, etc., mostly double-page (53.5 × 64 cm, plate size ca. 42 × 53 cm), 7 larger folding, a few single-page and a few smaller, many including additional inset maps, plans and views, and decorated with coats of arms, human & mythological figures, animals, produce, etc. With the engraved title-pages, frontispiece, other engravings (except for the compass rose and 2 inscriptions), woodcut devices on 4 title-pages and 1 woodcut initial coloured by a contemporary hand (the maps mostly in outline but with their decorations fully coloured) and some (mostly the engraved title-pages) with extensive use of gold. Contemporary gold-tooled vellum. Full description
€ 675,000
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First edition of the first printed ethnographic comparison of the world's people, typographically stunning

BOEMUS (BÖHM), Johannes. Omnium gentium mores leges et ritus ex multis clarrissimis rerum scriptoribus ... nuper collecti: & in libros tris distinctos Aphricam, Asiam, Europam, optime lector lege. [Half-title:] Repertorium librorum trium Ioannis Boemi de omnium gentium ritibus. Item index rerum scitu digniorum in eosdem. Cum privilegio Papali ac Imperiali M.D.XX.
[Colophon: Augsburg, Sigismund Grimm & Marcus Wirsung, July 1520]. Folio. With the letterpress half-title in an elaborate woodcut border with a trophy of arms, putti and mermen. 17th century vellum with 3 raised spine-bands. [6], LXXXI, [1] ll. Full description
€ 5,750
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First edition of a detailed description and illustration of the cities along the coasts of the Baltic Sea
in the context of the Crimean War

[BOSCHETTI, Ambrogio]. Il Mar Baltico e le sue coste descritti e illustrati con alcune carte geografiche topografiche ed orografiche per la guerre d'Oriente.
Triest, Colombo Coen, 1854. Large 4to (32.5 x 23.5 cm). With 1 folding map of the Baltic Sea as the frontispiece, 1 military plan of Kronstadt, 15 plates of Finnish, Swedish, Baltic and Russian cities, and 1 small illustration in the text on p. 58. Contemporary half brown cloth, grey paper sides, with the publishers front wrapper (for the "seconda edizione") printed letterpress on pink paper. 131, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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The first German edition of Boswell's Account of Corsica with a folding map

BOSWELL, James. Beschreibung von Corsica nebst vielen wichtigen Nachrichten und Anecdoten vom Pascal Paoli dem General der Corsen.
Leipzig, Caspar Fritsch, 1768. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved folding map of Corsica (29 x 44 cm). Contemporary paper-covered boards, spine with red title label lettered in gold, red edges. [14], 346 pp. Full description
€ 1,875
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1602 edition of Botero's pioneering physical and political geography of the world,
with 4 maps of the continents by Girolamo Porro

BOTERO, Giovanni. Le relationi universali . . ., divise in quattro parti . . . Nuovamente ristampate, & corrette.
Venice, Nicolo Polo & Comp., 1602. 4 parts in 1 volume. 4to. General title-page and 3 part-titles, all 4 with the same woodcut device (sun in scrollwork cartouche), 4 folding engraved maps (ca. 25×18.5 cm) showing Europe, Asia (including Japan), Africa and the Americas, by Girolamo Porro. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [32], 240; [20], 152; 183, [9]; [16], 79 pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Fine untrimmed copy of a pilot guide, with coloured maps and aquatint profiles

BOUGARD, René and John Thomas SERRES. The little sea torch: or, true guide for coasting pilots.
London, J. Debrett for the "author" [Serres], G. & W. Nicol, et al. [printed by T. Rickaby], 1801. Large folio (47 x 30 cm). With 20 numbered aquatint plates containing 137 coastal profiles, and 12 partly numbered engraved plates containing 24 maps of port cities, harbours, islands and the Strait of Gibraltar. All coastal profiles and maps beautifully and subtly coloured by a contemporary hand. Contemporary boards. VI, 144, [5] pp. Full description
€ 14,500
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The greatest map of Paris, 240 x 316 cm, here with the 20 sheets and key map bound as an atlas
in contemporary gold-tooled morocco with the Paris city arms

BRETEZ, Louis. Plan de Paris commencé l'année 1734. Dessiné et gravé, sous les ordres de Messire Michel Etienne Turgot, Marquis de Sousmons ... Achevé de graver en 1739.
[Paris, 1739]. Grand-Aigle folio (56 x 45.5 cm). An enormous engraved map of Paris in 20 numbered sheets plus a key map, at a scale of about 1:2000, each segment measuring 55 x 84 cm (plate size 51.5 x 80.5 cm; image 48 x 79 cm) which would give an assembled map with image size about 240 x 316 cm! The key map is slightly larger than the segments and folds out at the head. Bound as an atlas (but with segments 18 and 19, containing the cartouche, assembled to make a long fold-out) in contemporary gold-tooled red morocco, each board with as centrepiece the Paris coat of arms (a ship with chief a field of fleurs-de-lis). Full description
€ 15,000
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First edition of a sumptuous account of a voyage to Russia, Persia and the East Indies,
with large folding views of Moscow and Isfahan (194x42 cm)

BRUYN (LE BRUN), Cornelis de. Reizen over Moskovie, door Persie en Indie: verrykt met driehondert konstplaten, vertoonende de beroemste lantschappen en steden, ook de byzondere dragten, beesten, gewassen en platen, die daer gevonden worden ...
Amsterdam, Willem and David Goeree for the author, 1711. Folio (40x25.5 cm). With engraved frontispiece by Bernard Picart, engraved author's portrait, 2 folding engraved maps, 109 engraved plates (13 folding, 55 double-page, 41 full-page) and 36 engraved illustrations in text. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. [8], 472, [12] pp. Full description
€ 9,000
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