Dutch trade, whaling, herring fishery, etc., with magnificent views of the harbours of the Netherlands
and the Dutch East Indies ca. 1772-ca. 1781, including a wide variety of boats and ships

AA, Cornelis van der (illustrated by Dirk de JONG & Hendrik KOBELL jr.).
Atlas van de zeehavens der Bataafsche Republiek, die van Batavia en Onrust. Mitsgaders de afbeeldingen van de haring visscherij en de walvisch vangst. In een-en-dertig kunstplaaten naar het leven afgebeeld ...
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, [printed by Paul Etienne Briët?], 1805. Large folio (39.5 x 28.5 cm). With a finely engraved title-page in various styles of decorated lettering and flourishes, executed by Klockhoff, and 31 double-page engraved views (ca. 28.5 x 39.5 cm) showing Dutch harbours with a wide variety of sailing boats and ships, the harbours of Batavia and the island Onrust in the Dutch East Indies (now Djakarta and Pulau Kapal in Indonesia), and 2 views of herring fishing and whaling.
With the loosely inserted "prospectus" (actually an advertisement issued on publication):
[MAASKAMP, Evert]. Berigt aan kooplieden, zeevarenden en verzamelaars van vaderlandsche kunstprinten.
[Amsterdam], [Evert Maaskamp], printed by Paul Etienne Briët, [1805]. 4to (27.5 x 22 cm).
Contemporary boards (including a paperboard spine), as issued by the publisher. XII, 135, [1 blank] pp. plus engraved title-page, 31 plates and the loosely inserted prospectus. Full description
€ 14,500
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, [printed by Paul Etienne Briët?], 1805. Large folio (39.5 x 28.5 cm). With a finely engraved title-page in various styles of decorated lettering and flourishes, executed by Klockhoff, and 31 double-page engraved views (ca. 28.5 x 39.5 cm) showing Dutch harbours with a wide variety of sailing boats and ships, the harbours of Batavia and the island Onrust in the Dutch East Indies (now Djakarta and Pulau Kapal in Indonesia), and 2 views of herring fishing and whaling.
With the loosely inserted "prospectus" (actually an advertisement issued on publication):
[MAASKAMP, Evert]. Berigt aan kooplieden, zeevarenden en verzamelaars van vaderlandsche kunstprinten.
[Amsterdam], [Evert Maaskamp], printed by Paul Etienne Briët, [1805]. 4to (27.5 x 22 cm).
Contemporary boards (including a paperboard spine), as issued by the publisher. XII, 135, [1 blank] pp. plus engraved title-page, 31 plates and the loosely inserted prospectus. Full description