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History, Law & Philosophy / Genealogy, Heraldry & Flags

Beautifully illustrated hand-coloured and highlighted in gold album amicorum in an elaborately gold- and blind-tooled binding dated 1590

[ALBUM AMICORUM - EQUESTRIANISM - HERALDRY]. [Late 16th- and early 17th-century album amicorum].
[North-western Europe (specifically the vicinity of Brussels?)], [1585-1615]. 4to. With 45 hand-coloured and highlighted in gold engraved plates of horses and their riders from Europe, North Africa, and the Near and Middle East, numbered 1-50 (skipping nos. 2, 21, 27, 35, and 36), 46 hand-coloured and highlighted in gold engraved heraldic plates (sometimes filled in with manuscript notes), 2 hand-coloured manuscript coats-of-arms on l. 15v, and 1 black and gold hand-coloured manuscript coat of arms on the back paste-down. Contemporary elaborately gold- and blind-tooled mottled calf, with gold lettering on both boards (front: RVB HZC VFB C.) (back: 1590). 164 ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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Graphically stunning 3-volume historical manuscript atlas

[ATLAS - HISTORICAL]. Atlas historique. - Souvenirs historiques. - Tableaux et cartes.
[Montpellier?], [date on spine of vol. 1:] 1851. 3 volumes. Folio (vol. 1) and large 4to (vols. 2-3). Neatly written manuscripts on paper with 23 graphically vibrant maps, coloured in outline with subtly shaded washes in grey (for the coasts) and numerous bright colours (for political boundaries), and with calligraphic headings. Contemporary bindings: vol. 1 red half goatskin; vol. 2 black half goatskin; vol. 3 black sheepskin. [1], [26 double]; [1], [22 double]; [1], 30 double, [1] ll. Full description
€ 1,750
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Genealogy of the seven patrician families of Antwerp

CHRISTYN, Johannes-Baptista. Senatus populique Antverpiensis. Nobilitas sive septem tribus patriciae Antverpienses.
Leiden, Petrus Heghius [printed in Brussels by Philippe Vleugart], 1672. 8vo. With an allegorical frontispiece showing a personification of time accompanying the crests of the seven houses above personifications of the Scheldt and the city of Antwerp and 7 engraved coatsofarms in text. Modern half parchment, red paste paper sides. [10], 55 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Appealing heraldic manuscript on the English nobility
with more than 1050 beautifully executed coats of arms showing heraldic craftmanship

CLEMENTS, Joseph and J. GOLDING. (title-page:) Heraldry.
[England (Kent?), ca. 1775-1795]. Large 4to (ca. 27 x 21 cm). Manuscript in English on paper, mostly containing coats of arms with captions and a hand-written index. Completely written in brown ink in a neat 18th-century hand. With a hand-drawn and contemporary hand-coloured title-page, 108 contemporary hand-coloured smaller coats of arms showing motives on the crest and 1050 contemporary hand-coloured larger coats of arms of English noble families. Contemporary sheepskin, blind-tooled boards and spine, marbled endpapers. [2], 183 ll. Full description
€ 9,000
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Very rare educational work in a fine armorial dedication binding from the Bourbon restoration,
for Marie Thérèse, Duchess of Angoulême, the only heir of Louis XVI to survive the Revolution

GALLAND, P.J. Cours pratique d'éducation à l'usage des jeunes demoiselles, et convenable aux jeunes gens qui ne sont pas à porté de suivre les études de collège, ou qui les ont suivies sans succès; contenant la grammaire, précédée de principes de lecture servant d'introduction; la rhétorique, l'arithmétique, la cosmographie, la géographie, l'histoire et la mythologie, traitée séparément pour l'enfance et pour l'adolescence, par demandes et par réponses. Dédié à Son Altesse Royale Madame, Duchesse d'Angoulême.
Paris, Librairie d'Éducation d'Alexis Eymerie, and the author (on back of title-page: printed by J.-B. Imbert), 1816 (vol. 3!)-1817 (vols. 1-2). 3 volumes. Large 12mo (17.5 x 10.5 cm). With a large folding engraved map of France, 3 astronomical and cosmographical figures on 3 engraved plates, a large folding hierarchical "tableau synoptique" of French grammar, and numerous numerical tables and mathematical equations in the text. Contemporary richly gold-tooled, grained green morocco, each board with the large arms of the dedicatee, Marie Thérèse de France, Duchesse d'Angoulême, daughter of King Louis XVI: a crowned double coat- of-arms (each in an oval) in a wide border of fleurs-de-lis and tulip-like flowers, the dexter arms (of her husband) that normally used by the Duc de Berry, but also by the seconde maison Capétienne d'Artois and the sinister arms (of her father Louis XVI) matching that of the Kings of France, pink silk endleaves, gilt edges. [4], 515, [1]; 552, [2]; 492, [2] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Richly illustrated manuscript genealogy of the important Dutch families of Cuylenburgh & Beusichum
and their Dutch, Flemish and Hainaut allied families
with an added manuscript leaf from Arnoldus Buchelius

[MANUSCRIPT - GENEALOGY & HERALDRY - DUTCH]. [Manuscript genealogies of the noble family Cuylenburgh ( vol. 1) and the noble family Beusichum & Cuylenburgh (vol. 2)].
[Utrecht, Culemborg or Beusichem?], ca. 1655-1675, after 1654]. 2 volumes. Large folio. Manuscript in Dutch, written in one hand in a neat, 17th-century hand cursive hand. With 65 coat of arms, almost all of them coloured by hand. Also with some spaces for coats of arms left blank. A loose leaf added to volume with 34 ink-drawn and contemporary hand-coloured small coats of arms with accompanying text written in a cursive 17th-century hand. 19th-century half brown cloth (vol. 1) and red buckram (vol. 2), brown decorated paper sides, titles in gold on the front boards. [4 (plus 1 loose leaf)]; [8] ll. Full description
€ 6,000
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Large chart of European countries and their royal or noble families

[HERALDIC CHART - EUROPE]. SPECHT, Caspar. Historische en geographische tafel om te leren een kort begrip vande landen en staaten in Europa haar grootheyd, besitting en alles dat tot onderricht der liefhebbers van de landbeschryvinge dienen kan.
Amsterdam, Reinier and Joshua Ottens, [before 1750]. Engraved chart (47.5 x 57 cm) printed on a single sheet of paper (51.5 x 64 cm), coloured by hand, including several coats of arms. Full description
€ 250
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Luxurious collection of 390 coats-of-arms of important Flemish, Dutch and French noble families,
mostly hand-drawn and hand-coloured and some painted with gold and executed on vellum

[HERALDRY - FLANDERS - NETHERLANDS - FRANCE]. [Album containing coats-of-arms of Flemish, Dutch and French noble families].
[France, Flanders and the Netherlands, 17th and 18th century]. Folio. With 390 coats-of-arms (plus another 49 blank shields) of which 13 on vellum, all but 25 contemporary hand-coloured of which 17 painted with gold and 1 with silver and all but 3 drawn by hand. Mostly all coat of arms are captioned in brown ink in contemporary 17th- or 18th-century cursive hands, in which also the sometimes added manuscript text (on the same or another leaf) is written. Coats of arms on paper and vellum in various sizes, mounted on later folio-sized paper leaves. 18th-century half red roan (sheepskin), brown sprinkled paper sides over boards, manuscript title label on the front board. All loose leaves and quires mounted/stored on [29] ll, the quires loosely stored in a paper slip mounted on a leaf. Full description
€ 13,500
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333 very interesting genealogical tables of all reigning houses and noble families of Europe

HÜBNER, Johann. Drey hundert und drey und dreyßig Genealogische Tabellen, nebst denen darzu gehörigen Genealogischen Fragen, zur Erläuterung der Politischen Historie...
Leipzig, Johann Friedrich Gleditsch & Sohn, 1712. Oblong folio. With the title-page printed in red and black, 1 large woodcut gothic decorated initial. Set primarily in fraktur type. Contemporary half sheepskin, marbled sides. [8] pp., [333] ll. with tables, [7] pp. Full description
€ 750
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