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Asia / Natural History

Fauna of the Indian Sea, with 98 illustrations

ALCOCK, Alfred William. A naturalist in Indian seas or, four years with the Royal Indian marine survey ship "Investigator".
London, John Murray (colophon: printed by Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh), 1902. 8vo. With a photogravure frontispiece depicting the Investigator, a folding map and 98 illustrations on 58 plates. Contemporary black-blocked cloth; rebacked with brown board, modern endpapers. XXIV, 328 pp. Full description
€ 450
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First Latin edition, printed by Plantin, of Belon's illutrated oriental travel account, with 43 woodcuts

BELON, Pierre. Plurimarum singularium & memorabilium rerum in Graecia, Asia, Aegypto, Judaea, Arabia, aliisq. exteris provinciis ab ipso conspectarum observationes, tribus libris expressae.
(2) BELON, Pierre. De neglecta stirpium cultura, atque earum cognitione libellus: edocens qua ratione silvestres arbores cicurari & mitescere queant. Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1589. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With Plantins woodcut compasses device on each title-page, 43 woodcuts in text (6 full-page), woodcut decorated initials. With an unrecorded 2-page corrigenda leaf. Contemporary overlapping limp vellum. [16], 495, [1 blank]; "78" [= 87], [1 blank], [2] pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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Detailed description of the genus Tarsius, with 7 lithographed plates

BURMEISTER, Hermann. Beiträge zur näheren Kenntniss der Gattung Tarsius, ... Nebst einem helminthologischen Anhange von Dr. Creplin.
Berlin, Georg Reimer, 1846. Large 4to (31 x 24.5 cm). With 7 lithographed plates (including 1 coloured by hand). Original publisher's printed green boards. X, 140 pp. Full description
€ 250
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Interesting account of an exploration journey to India and Southeast Asia

DELESSERT, Adolphe. Souvenirs dun voyage dans lInde execute de 1834 a 1839. Ouvrage enrichi de trente-cinq planches.
Paris, Fortin, Masson et Cie & Langlois et Leclercq (facing title-page: printed by Béthune et Plon), 1843. 2 parts in 1 volume. Large 8vo. With engraved title-vignette signed by A. Vien, 8 lithographed plates in the first part by V. Dolet showing Ile Bourbon, Pondichéry, Malacca, Chase au tigre, Madras, a bivouac and Chûte de la Rivière de Gutpurba; 27 numbered full-page engraved plates in the natural history part by Forget, Annedouche, Sebin, Mme. Douliot, Bourgeois, Giraud, Davesne and Dumesnil after Jean Gabriel Prêtre, Delahaye, Mme Bury and Vaillant of mammals, birds, insects and butterflies, 24 of which are exquisitely coloured by hand by "Gérard". Also with one folded map (43 x 44 cm) of the world (except for the Americas) with Delessets journey marked, coloured in outline and printed by Kaeppelin, Paris. Half calf, decorated paper sides. [6], III, 134; [4], 107 pp. Full description
€ 4,950
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The natural history, politics and medicine of India and Persia, with a section on Muscat

FRYER (FREYER), John. Negenjaarige reyse door Oostindien en Persien, ... Begonnen met den jaare 1672 en geeyndigt met den jaare 1681.
The Hague, Abraham de Hondt, Jacobus van Ellinkhuysen and Meyndert Uytwerf, 1700. 4to. With engraved frontispiece, engraved author's portrait, 3 folding engraved maps, 7 folding engraved views and other plates, and several woodcut illustrations in text. Contemporary vellum. [8], 566, [26] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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The gastropods of Anatolia, with 17 plates

GERMAIN, Louis. Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles d'Asie-Mineure.
Paris, Paul Lechevalier (colophon: Rouen, Lecerf), 1936. 8vo. With 17 plates with photographic reproductions and many illustrations in text. Modern brown half morocco, gold-tooled spine; with the original publisher's printed paper wrappers bound in. 492 pp. Full description
€ 375
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Important work on the natural history of Palastine

HASSELQUIST, Friedrich and Carl LINNAEUS. Reise nach Palästina in den Jahren von 1749 bis 1752. auf Befehl ihro Majestät der Königinn von Schweden herausgegeben vond Carl Linnäus aus em Schwedischen.
Rostock, Johann Christian Koppe, 1762 (colophon: Leipzig, Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf, 1761). 8vo. With woodcut tailpieces. Contemporary half vellum. [18], 606 pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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Javanese fruits & flowers, with 40 large chromolithographs

HOOLA VAN NOOTEN, Berthe. Fleurs fruits et feuillages choisis de l'ile de Java ... Troisième édition.
Brussels, Leipzig, Librairie Européenne C. Muquardt (printed by Weissenbruch, Brussels), [1880]. 1mo (56.5 x 42 cm). With 40 chromolithographed plates by P. Depannemaeker in Ghent after Hoola van Nooten's original paintings, each accompanied by a page of letterpress text (English and French), giving a description as well as information on the plant's culinary, medical, religious and other uses. Contemporary red half goatskin; rebacked with modern endpapers. [44] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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