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Military History / Fortification & Military Architecture

Mathematical problems of fortification

BECKER (VON HERVORD), Peter. Nieuwe manier van vestingbou, hoe men alle regulare en irregulare vestingen met hare buytenwerken na haer behoorlijke proportie, sonder eenige rekeninge, door den gemeenen cirkel op een nieuwe en gansch lichte manier tekenen, afsteken en opbouwen sal. Van nieuws van den autheur selve, met het offensive en defensive vermeerdert, en door de tabulae sinuum uytgerekent, en met nodige demonstratien en figuren allen liefhebbers deser kunst verrijkt.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge I, 1673. 8vo. With an engraved allegorical title-page, a letterpress title-page, 7 engraved plates (5 folding), 3 engraved illustrations in the text and 3 folding tables. Contemporary vellum. [16], 146 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Oblong handbook of fortification design

BEHR, Johann Heinrich. Der aufs Neu-verschantzte Turenne oder gründlich alt- und neue Kriegs-Bau-Kunst.
Frankfurt and Leipzig, widow of Reinhard Wächtler, printed by Christoph Balthasar Lampe, 1690. Oblong 8vo (11 x 17 cm). With engraved frontispiece and 32 engraved plates. Contemporary calf. [3], [1 blank], [20], 616 pp. Full description
€ 950
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Large paper copy of the first Dutch edition of Blaeu's great atlas of cities and towns of the Dutch Republic, with 320 mostly double-page maps, plans and views

BLAEU, Joan. [Toonneel der steden van de Vereenighde Nederlanden, met hare beschrijvingen, ...].
With: [Toonneel der steden van s Konings Nederlanden, met hare beschrijvingen, ...].
[Amsterdam, Joan Blaeu, 1652]. 2 volumes. Atlas folio (57 × 37 cm). With two engraved architectural title-pages, each with a blank central panel where a letterpress slip with the title and the publishers name would have been pasted; 181 (Dutch Republic) & 139 (Spanish Netherlands) maps, plans and views plus 2 smaller engravings in text; 20 woodcut illustration figures in the text. Uniform, early 18th-century(?) half red sheepskin. Full description
€ 68,500
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Improving existing fortresses, with three large lithographed plates

CHOUMARA, Pierre-Marie Théodore. Mémoires sur la fortification, ou examen raisonné... avec atlas.
Paris, Anselin (back of half-title: printed by A. Henry), 1827. 2 volumes (8vo text and 4to atlas). With 3 very large folding lithographed plates (ca. 54.5 x 77 cm) in atlas volume. Contemporary marbled half calf, gold-tooled spine. [6], 354, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,650
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Second edition of a highly innovative work on Dutch fortification

COEHOORN, Menno van. Nieuwe vestingbouw, op een natte of lage horisont; welke op driederleije manieren getoont word in 't fortificeren der binnengrote van de Fransche royale seshoek...
Leeuwarden, heirs and widow of Hendrik Rintjes, 1702. Folio. With 12 (of 14) engraved plates, including 6 folding and 3 double-page. Contemporary calf, with blind-stamped centrepiece on both sides. [16], 181, [2], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,350
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A great classic of Dutch fortification, with a new plate added for this edition

COEHOORN, Menno van. Nouvelle fortification, tant pour un terrain bas et humide, que sec et élevé, representée en trois maniéres sur le contenu intérieur de l 'exagone a la Françoise, ...
Wesel, Jacob von Wesel [printed by Johann Kattepoel or his heirs, or possibly by a printer in the Netherlands], 1706. 8vo. With 14 (of 15) engraved folding plates. Contemporary vellum. [38], 261, [1] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 1,800
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The French fortification manual that finally succeeded Vauban’s, with 55 plates

CORMONTAINGNE, Louis de. Oeuvres posthumes ... Tome premier[-second] [& troisième].
(1) Mémorial pour la fortification permanente et passagère. ...
(2) Mémorial pour l'attaque des places. ...
(3) Mémorial pour la défense des places, faisant suite au mémorial pour l'attaque, ...
Paris, Charles Barrois (vol. II: Denis-Simon Magimel) (back of title-page vol. I & colophon vol. III: printed by H. Perronneau; back of title-page vol. II: printed by Demonville), 1809, 1815, 1806. 3 volumes. 8vo. With 55 engraved folding plates, 3 folding tables and additional tables in the text. Contemporary, uniform half tree calf, gold-tooled spines. XVI, 390; [4], XIV, 316; XXII, 371, [1] pp. plus folding tables and plates. Full description
€ 2,000
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