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Europe / Mediterranean Regions

Three letters written in 1539 on the Ottoman threat in the Mediterranean

[LETTERS]. ALVAREZ DE TOLEDO, Pedro and Maria OSORIO Y PIMENTEL. [Three letters to Ferrante Gonzaga, Viceroy of Sicily, two from Pedro Alvarez de Toledo and one from his wife Maria Osorio y Pimentel].
Andria (in the Kingdom of Naples), 13 August to 10 September 1539. Folio (21.5 x 30 cm).
(1) Letter in Italian, signed, from Pedro Alvarez de Toledo in Andria to Ferrante Gonzaga, 13 August 1539, with a 23 mm seal bearing Alvarez de Toledo's coat of arms (with a chain of flags) stamped on a slip of paper attached with red wax.
(2) Letter in Spanish, signed, from Pedro Alvarez de Toledo in Andria to Ferrante Gonzaga, 3 September 1539, with the 45 mm imperial armorial seal stamped on a slip of paper attached with red wax.
(3) Letter in Italian, signed, from Maria Osorio y Pimentel [in Andria] to Ferrante Gonzaga, 10 September 1539, with the remains of what appears to be her husband's 23 mm red wax seal.
Each letter, in brown ink, occupies one page, with the last page containing the address and the sender's seal. The two inside pages of the second and third letter are blank. Each formerly folded for posting, so that the address would have appeared on one side and the seal on the other. [4]; [4]; [2] pp. including blanks. Full description
€ 15,000
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A Franciscan discovering the Holy Land. From the library of King Louis-Philippe

[BEAUGRAND, Felix]. Relation fidele du voyage de la Terre Sainte dans laquelle se voit tout ce qu' il y a de remarquable, tant par mer que par terre, depuis le départ de Marseille jusqu' au retour de ce saint voyage.
Paris, Gabriel Valleyre, 1760. 8vo. With a small woodcut vignette on title, several woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine, with yellow morocco title label, gold-tooled binding edges, red edges. [4], 248, [10] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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First Latin edition, printed by Plantin, of Belon's illutrated oriental travel account, with 43 woodcuts

BELON, Pierre. Plurimarum singularium & memorabilium rerum in Graecia, Asia, Aegypto, Judaea, Arabia, aliisq. exteris provinciis ab ipso conspectarum observationes, tribus libris expressae.
(2) BELON, Pierre. De neglecta stirpium cultura, atque earum cognitione libellus: edocens qua ratione silvestres arbores cicurari & mitescere queant. Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1589. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With Plantins woodcut compasses device on each title-page, 43 woodcuts in text (6 full-page), woodcut decorated initials. With an unrecorded 2-page corrigenda leaf. Contemporary overlapping limp vellum. [16], 495, [1 blank]; "78" [= 87], [1 blank], [2] pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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Well-illustrated and comprehensive study of the orchids of Europe and the Mediterranean,
one of the few copies with the second part of the atlas coloured

CAMUS, Edmond Gustave and Aimée Antoinette CAMUS. Iconographie des orchidées d'Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen.
Paris, Paul Lechevalier (colophon: printed by Jouve et Cie (part 1), Winter, Heidelberg (part 2)), 1821-1929. 2 text parts (4to, bound in one volume) and an atlas (folio). With a photographical frontispiece portrait in the text volume and 133 lithographed plates, including 120 coloured by hand. Contemporary brown half morocco. 559, [1]; 72 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Profusely illustrated description of the Peloponnese, the Adriatic Sea and Dalmatian coast, copy from the British Military depot

DAPPER, Olfert. Naukeurige beschryving van Morea, eertijts Peloponnesus ...
Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, firm Janssonius van Waesbergen, Dirk and Hendrik Boom, Joannes van Someren and Rembertus Goethals, 1688. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With an engraved title-page, 2 folding maps, 9 double-page plates and maps, 6 single-page plates and 29 half-page engravings in the text. Further with a woodcut ornament on the typographical title-page (printed in red and black) and 4 woodcut initials. Contemporary gold-tooled speckled brown calf, a red morocco title lable lettered in gold and a black morocco label lettered in gold on the spine. Both boards show a gold-tooled ornamental frame, with gold-tooled royal coat-of-arms of the United Kingdom beneath a gold-tooled banner lettered in gold "military depot" as a centre piece on the front board. Further with gold-tooled board edges, red edges, marbled end papers. [8], "168" [= 264]; [12], "164" [= 181], [6], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Europe fortified: the fortifications of Marolois, Stevin and Vauban, beautifully mapped,
together with an atlas of the coasts of France, also with fortifications

FER, Nicolas de. Les forces de l' Europe, ou description des principales villes; avec leurs fortifications. . . .
Paris, "chez l'auteur" [=Nicolas de Fer, a false imprint], 1695-1696 [printed in Amsterdam, for Pieter Mortier, 1695-ca. 1702]. 10 parts in 1 volume. With 234 beautifully engraved plates (a few folding) with 366 maps and views of fortified cities.
With: (2) FER, Nicolas de. Costes de France, sur l' ocean & sur la Mer Mediterranée &c. avec leurs fortifications. . . .
Paris, "Nicolas de Fer" [a false imprint], 1695. [printed in Amsterdam, for Pieter Mortier]. With engraved title-page and 40 engraved plates (including 2 folding). 2 works in 12 parts or volumes, bound as 1 volume. Oblong 1mo (30×37 cm). Contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. Full description
€ 17,500
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1565/66 pilgrimage to the Middle East, with author's portrait, coat of arms and 6 illustration plates

FÜRER VON HAIMENDORF, Christoph. Itinerarium Aegypti, Arabiae, Palaestinae, Syriae, aliarumque regionum orientalium.
Nuremberg, Abraham Wagenmann, 1621 (colophon: Nuremberg, printed by Abraham Wagenmann, 1620). Small 4to. With finely engraved full-page portrait of the author by Peter Isselberg, full-page engraved Fürer von Haimendorf coat of arms, 6 folding engraved plates. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [16], 118, [114] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Historical narrative of a voyage to India and Persia written by a surgeon of the British Royal Navy

IVES, Edward. Reize naar Oost-Indië en Persië, en de daar omliggende landen. Ondernomen langs een' ongewoonen weg.
Amsterdam, De Compagnie, 1779. 2 volumes bound as 1. 4to. With 2 engraved title-pages, 2 folding engraved maps, one of India (44 x 51 cm), the other tracking Ives's journey from Basra to Latakia (ca. 42 x 56 cm), and 9 engraved plates (including 1 large folding). Early 20th-century boards. [16], 324; [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], 379, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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An informative account of a voyage to the Mediterranean

JONG, Cornelius de. Derde reize naar de Middellandsche zee gedaan in de jaren 1786, 1787 en 1788.
Haarlem, François Bohn, 1810-1812. 2 volumes bound as 1. 8vo. Witha stipple engraved frontispiece portrait of the author, an engraved view of two Corsican farmers and a folding engraved view of the Cave of Dogs, a small cave on the eastern side of the Phlegraean Fields near Pozzuoli, Naples. Contemporary half calf. XXIV, 284; XVI, 291, [1 blank] [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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