Amsterdams Dam-praetje, van wat outs en wat nieuws en wat vreemts.
Amsterdam, Jan van Soest, 1649. 4to. With woodcut illustration on title-page, repeated as tailpiece. Modern half sheepskin parchment. 20 ll.
€ 1,750
First edition of a pamphlet criticizing the conduct of the Dutch West India Company (WIC) in Brazil, in the form of conversations between five men on Dam square in Amsterdam. It's a vehement attack on the WIC and the Dutch government concerning their strife with Portugal in Brazil. Since 1645 the Portuguese had violently resisted Dutch rule in Brazil, which depleted the treasury of the WIC. This, exacerbated by internal corruption, nearly bankrupted the WIC. The Dutch government's debate whether to financially support the WIC or not, led to many pamphlets by opponents and supporters of the government's plans. The conversation is held between two Dutchmen, a Portuguese, an Englishman and a director of the WIC. The pamphlet argues that Portugal must protect itself against Dutch privateers and that the Netherlands should not try to retake Brazil and Angola. It also urges peace, and claims the Portuguese are making efforts in the peace negotiations in contrast to the "monster" WIC.
Slightly browned, with a few small spots, otherwise very good. Binding in very good condition as well. Asher 263 and pp. 197-198; Borba de Moraes, p. 33; Knuttel 6477; Sabin 1351.
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