BANESS, Joshua Frederick.
Manual of Hindustání or the stranger's Indian interpreter; A practical and easy guide to Hindustání conversation.
Calcutta, W. Newman & Co., 1890. 14 x 8,5 cm. With a woodcut tailpiece at the end of the work. Contemporary red pebble-grain cloth, with the title lettered in gold on the front board. 145, [1 blank] pp.
€ 375
The only-known copy of the second edition of an extremely rare pocket-sized manual for the Hindustani language, which was clearly meant for everyday use. The second edition appears to be more rare than the first (1886) and third (1894) editions, as we have not been able to find any other copies either on the market, in libraries or mentioned in reference works. A possible explanation for this is its size. Whereas the first edition was in octavo, this second edition is significantly smaller. As a result, it must have been much more practical, but also more prone to getting lost.
After a very short introduction to the grammar, it delves into the most commonly used words and phrases, including the lines: "is the table-cloth clean?" and "arrange the curtains carefully". It also discusses the most respectful forms of address and the local currency. From its size to its contents: this work was intended for practical purposes and is a fascinating reflection of its time.
With a large drawing on the front endpapers of flowers, an owner's inscription on the front pastedown, and an inscription on the first flyleaf, which appears to be a packing list in English. The binding shows some signs of wear, with a water stain on the upper part of the back board, the cloth has somewhat frayed along the edges of the boards, and the spine has discoloured. The leaves have somewhat browned. Otherwise in good condition. This edition not in WorldCat; cf. BM, General catalogue, vol 2, p. 281-1073 (other ed.); Safadi, A., The colonial construction of Hindustani 1800-1947, 2012, pp. 1 and 38.
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