Memoravel relaçam da perda da nao conceiçam que os Turcos queymàraõ à vista da barra de Lisboa; varios successos das pessoas, que nella cativàraõ. E de scripçaõ nova da Cidade de Argel, & de seu governo; & cousas muy notaveis acontecidas nestes ultimos annos de 1621 atè 1626
Lisbon, "Antonio Alvares, 1627" [=Antonio Pedrozo Galram, 1706]. 4to. With two woodcut tail-pieces and woodcut decorated initials (2 different series). Later quarter vellum with paste paper over boards. [1], [1 blank], [4], 100, [1], [1 blank] pp.
€ 2,950
First edition of the clearer and higher-quality "counterfeit" issue of the author's account of his 5-year captivity in Algiers. Although the title-pages of the counterfeit and the original are the same, this is certainly the counterfeit version, because the collation does not match that of the first edition.
Memoravel relaçam da perda da nao conceiçam relates the tale of João de Carvalho Mascarenhas (1589-?), a Portuguese soldier who had been all over the world to fight in the Portuguese colonies and conquer new territory. In 1621, after a stay in Goa, he returned home on the Nao Conceiçaõ, a Portuguese carrack. When he was almost back in Lisbon, the ship was attacked by the Turks. The fight lasted two days, but the Turks eventually won and João was brought to Algiers as a prisoner. He was rescued after 5 years and wrote his experiences down when he finally returned home in 1626. His tale was well-received and was still reprinted almost a century later.
None of the reference works mention a possible publisher for the counterfeit issue. However, the typography and woodcut initials in this edition are identical to those can be found in the work of the printer Antonio Pedrozo Galram, who worked in Lisbon from at least 1706. It is therefore highly likely that this book was printed by him, probably in the 1710s.
With the armorial book plate of D. E. A. Meredith (loose) on the front paste-down and a 1962 armorial book plate of Dom Diogo de Bragança and a label of bookseller Louis Bardon from Madrid on the back paste-down. Some minor foxing throughout, but overall in very good condition. Barbosa Machado 2, p. 625; Iberian books B68775 [48433] (17 copies); Innocencio 4, p. 344; USTC 5023310 (17 copies); Porbase 353396 (6 copies); cf. Iberian books B68776 (single variant copy BNP call number RES. 335//4 V); Iberian books B70724 (variant copy with the decorative woodcut frame on the title-page).
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