ALAMGIR II, Muhammad 'Aziz al-Daulah (Emperor of Hindustan).
Nova e curiosa relaçam da embaixada, que mandou o Graõ Mogor, ao Rey de Inglaterra. Tirada de varias cartas fidedignas, que fizeraõ varios aleado aos correspondentes, que tem nesta cidade.
Lisbon, 1757. 4to. With a woodcut vignette on title-page and a woodcut tailpiece. Modern morocco with gold-tooled title on front cover. 7, [1 blank] pp.
€ 2,500
Rare important diplomatic exchange between India and England in the midst of the Seven Years' War. The present Portuguese publication transcribes diplomatic letters sent by the Great Mughal Emperor of India to King George II of England in 1757. In that year the British had seized control of Bengal, concluding the Bengal War. This diplomatic exchange was important for the Portuguese because they were allied with the British and had a significant presence in India.
Some corners repaired, minor water stains in the margins. Otherwise in good condition. Cat. Coimbra Uni. 1968, item 1717; WorldCat (5 copies).
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