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Only known copy of an auction catalogue listing tulips from a garden in the centre of Brussels

Catalogue d'une tres-belle collection de tulipes ...
Brussels, L. Jorez, [1818]. 8vo. Stitched through two holes. 26 pp.
€ 2,500
Only known copy of an early 19th-century botanical catalogue of tulips left by a certain Monsieur de Freins. The tulips are presented in the auction catalogue in three "parcs" or "garden plots" of respectively 63, 62, and 86 "lignes" (rows) containing 5 tulips of different varieties each. The collection was sold at the garden of a certain "Sieur Dujardin" at the Rue Terre Neuve in Brussels on the 15th of May 1818.
With two round black (postal) stamps of "timbre belgique" and "timbre extraordinaire" on page 4. The edges of the leaves are somewhat frayed, lacking the final (blank?) leaf, slightly dust soiled throughout. Otherwise in good condition. Not in Paradisus Batavus. Bibliografie van plantencatalogi van onderwijstiuinen, particuliere tuinen en kwekerscollecties in de Noordelijke en Zuidelijke Nederlanden (1550-1839); WorldCat.
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