RABENHORST, Ludwig and Georg WINTER.
Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. Zweite Auglage ... Erster band: Pilze.
Leipzig, Eduard Kummer, 1884 (Weinheim, J. Cramer, 1963). 8vo. Modern black half calf. VIII, 924, 63, [1 blank] pp.
€ 300
Reprint of the second edition of an extensive "flora" of the fungi from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, compiled by Georg Winter and others, being the first volume of a larger work on German Cryptogamae edited by Ludwig Rabenhorst (1806-1881). Listed are 2689 fungi, with brief comments on their appearance and habitat.
In very good condition. Cf. Volbracht 1695.
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