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Well-produced gospel harmony illustrated by Urs Graf

AGRICOLA, Daniel [and Urs GRAF (illustrator)].
Passio domini nostri Jesu Christi s[ecundu]m serie[m] q[ua]ttuor eva[n]gelistaru[m].
(Colophon: Basel, Adam Petri de Langendorff, 31 July 1514). 4to. With large woodcut (12 x 9.5 cm) on title-page and 20 small woodcuts in text (ca. 4.5 x 3.5 cm), all by Urs Graf. Modern light-brown calf. 39, [1] ll.
€ 5,000
Well-produced fourth(?) edition of a Gospel Harmony, concentrating on the Passion of Christ and beautifully illustrated by Urs Graf, by the publisher of the first (1509) edition. The book is beautifully printed in a fine rotunda in various sizes, with the extensive commentary arranged all around the text, with auxiliary texts in two seizes of roman. The simple but expressive woodcuts by Urs Graf charmingly illustrate the sequence of events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus as told by the four evangelists. Urs Graf was the most important artist of the early renaissance from German speaking Switzerland. He was a die-cutter, woodblock book illustrator, stain glass designer, painter and engraver, and pioneered the white-line woodblock technique.
With contemporary owner's inscription of Johannes Casper Mentishausen on title-page and brown morocco bookplate of Silvain S. Brunschwig. Fore-edge margin trimmed, occasionally shaving a letter or two form a shoulder note, and minor marginal damage to four leaves slightly affecting the text. Otherwise a very good copy. Bibl. Silvain S. Brunschwig 41; Panzer VI, 192, 131; VD16, B4709; not in Adams; BMC STC German.
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