AHLERS, Francisco Henrique.
Instrucção sobre os corpos celestes, principalmente sobre os cometas.
Lisbon, Miguel Manescal da Costa, 1758. 4to. With 3 folding engraved plates by M. le Bouteux, etched headpiece and initial. Contemporary calf. [18], 86, [4] pp.
€ 1,500
Interesting Portuguese work on cosmography and comets, divided into two parts. The first part discusses cosmographical theories and the construction of the universe, the second is devoted to comets. The work includes a table listing the appearances of comets between 1337 and 1698. The plates show celestial bodies, and the cosmological systems of Copernicus, Tycho and Ptolemy. Some waterstaining; binding slightly worn. Good copy. WorldCat (9 copies); not in Houzeau-Lancaster.
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