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Fables for Christians, by one of the founders of Rosicrucianism

[ANDREAE, Johann Valentin].
Mythologiae Christianae sive virtutum & vitiorum vitae humanae imaginum. Libri tres.
Strasbourg, heirs of Lazarus Zetzner, [1619].
With: (2) [GESSEL, Timan van]. Synopsis locorum sacrae scripturae patrum, et recentiorum quorundam theologorum, quibus demonstratur, quaenam sint ad salutem creditu necessaria & sufficientia.
Amsterdam, [Joan Blaeu?], 1650. 2 works in 1 volume. 12mo. Ad 1: with an engraved title-page, a small woodcut device on the two divisional title-pages and some woodcut initials. Ad 2: with the title-page printed in red and black, a woodcut headpiece and initial. Contemporary vellum with title in ink on spine. [24], 352, [7], [1 blank]; [38], 197, [1] pp.
€ 7,500
Ad 1: First edition of an encyclopaedic work by the German theologian Johann Valentin Andreae (1586-1654), who called it a Christian fable book. It is divided into three "books" which are divided into several "manipuli". Each "manipulus" combines longer essays with shorter pieces or sentences on various subjects and historical figures, arranged alphabetically. For example, the first manipulus contains brief texts on alchemy, antipathy, the Arabic language, Johann Arndt, astrology, oppression, Tommaso Campanella, cardinals, illiterates, kabbalah, patience, symbols, weeds, etc.Ad 2: First edition of a theological work by the Dutch Remonstrant Timan van Gessel (Timannus Gesselius, ca. 1591-1664). It contains five chapters, the first dealing with the holy scripture, the second with the "modern" church, the third and fourth with the creed, the fifth with peace.
Ad 1: the engraved title-page is slightly damaged at the fore-edge margin, slightly browned; ad 2: with the name of the author added in ink on title-page, a small stain at the foot of title-page, a few faint marginal water stains in the last few leaves. Some faint stains on boards. Otherwise in very good condition. Ad 1: Arnold, Rose-Croix, p. 194; Bibl. der freimaurerischen Literatir II, 42372; Dünnhaupt I, p. 265, 16.II; Gardner, Rosicruciana 37; Hall, Alchemy 9; VD17: 12:105642E; A.E. Waite, Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross, p. 205; Wellcome I, 302; Wolfsteig II, 42372; Yates, The Rosicucian Enlightment, pp. 137, 140-44; ad 2: NNBW VI, col. 580; STCN 089516702 (1 copy).
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