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On household applications using coal to save energy

MÜLLER, Friedrich Christoph.
Vollständige Beschreibung der Sparöfen und Heerde welche in der Graffschaft Mark schon seit vielen Jahren gebräuchlich und bewährt befunden sind. Nebst einer Nachricht vom Brodtbacken, Bierbrauen und Branntweinbrennen bei Steinkohlen und einem Anhange über Thermolampen, Fumivoren und Phylogoscopen der Franzosen.
Weimar, Landes=Industrie=Comtoirs, 1803. 8vo. With 7 folding engraved plates. Contemporary turquoise boards, gold-tooled spine. VIII, 70 pp.
€ 385
Interesting work on an energy-saving stove by Friedrich Christoph Müller (1751-1808), a widely interested pastor in Schwelm, Westphalia, who wrote several works on astronomy and trigonometry. In 1799 he published a short article about an energy-saving stove in use in the county of Mark, on which he expanded in the present book. The stove had a special iron box for fuel which prevented loss of heat. The coal mines of Westphalia stimulated the use of coal and in the present work Müller also discusses ways of baking bread, brewing beer and distilling gin by using coal instead of wood. The different stoves are depicted on seven copper engravings at the end of the book.
In very good condition, with only a minor spot on the title-page. Binding slightly rubbed along the extremities, but otherwise still good. Engelmann, p. 220; Poggendorf, II cols. 223-224; not in Horn & Arndt; for the author: ADB XXII, p. 530.
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