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First edition of a pharmacological recipe book in Dutch,
for apprentices and pharmacists who cant read Latin

Nieuwe Nederduitsche apotheek. Op eene klaare en verstaanbaare wyze onderwys gevende omtrent de beste dagelyks gebruikt wordende geneeskundige bereidingen; waar in inzonderheid de scheikundige bewerkingen, volgens de gronden der vermaarde heeren Boerhave, Geoffroy en andere beroemde mannen, zoo duidelyk beschreeven worden, als tot nog toe in geene andere apotheeken geschied is.
Leiden, Pieter van der Eyk, 1753. Modern orange paper wrappers. [10], 440 pp, [38] pp.
€ 650
Rare first edition of a collection of pharmacological recipes in Dutch that had no official authorization, published to meet the needs of apprentices and pharmacists with little or no knowledge of Latin (the language of the pharmacompoeia, which were officially authorized by governments or medical or pharmacological associations) and to avoid misuse, quackery and the production and selling of quack remedies. The compilers aim nevertheless to present reliable pharmacological recipes based on the best available sources such as the works of Herman Boerhave (1668-1738) and Etienne Fr. Geoffroy (1672-1731). While some phamacopoeia were translated into Dutch and other vernacular languages, Van der Eyk apparently thought less educated readers also needed a different approach to make the information clear. In 1766 he published a second augmented edition.
Corners slightly bumped, slightly soiled and water-stained throughout, not affecting the text. Otherwise in good condition. STCN (1 compl. & 2 incompl. copies); Vaderlandsche letteroefeningen, 6 (1766), pp. 452-254.
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