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Beautifully coloured composite atlas

[Amsterdam, Theodorus and Cornelis III Danckerts?, ca. 1706 (dated maps 1694-1706)]. Imperial folio (53.5 x 33.5 cm). Composite atlas, with an engraved title-page, 43 double-page engraved maps and 4 double-page engraved tables, all beautifully coloured in a consistent and balanced manner by a contemporary hand, probably in the workshop of the publisher. With maps by Johannes, Justus, Theodorus and Cornelis III Danckerts, Carel and Abraham Allard, Nicolaas Visscher I & II, Frederik de Wit, Pieter Mortier, Caspar Specht and even Alexis-Hubert Jaillot in Paris. Modern maroon sheepskin.
€ 48,500
A splendid composite atlas in a beautiful and well-balanced colouring, probably from a single professional workshop, including the work of Johannes Danckerts, Justus Danckerts, Theodorus Danckerts, Cornelis Danckerts, Carel Allard, Abraham Allard, Nicolaas Visscher I & II, Frederik de Wit, Pieter Mortier, Caspar Specht) and even a map of North America by Alexis-Hubert Jaillot in Paris.
The makeup of the atlas resembles that of one published by Theodorus and Cornelis III Danckerts sometime between 1703 and 1713 (Koeman, Dan 4). Not only do 13 of the present 20 Danckerts maps and plates appear in that atlas, but it also apparently begins with the same allegorical title-page, drawn by Gerard van Houten and engraved by Petrus Schenk I and ends with the same plate of flags. Both include Cornelis Danckerts's Nieuw Aerdsch Pleyn, a world map in an equidistant polar projection. Although nearly half the maps in the present atlas are by the Danckerts family, several of the most recent maps in the atlas are by Pieter Mortier, but given the strong French flavour of his atlases, the present does not seem to fit into his oeuvre.
With the title-page somewhat tattered and with a restoration affecting the end of the banderole, but generally in good condition, with occasional minor tears and folds. A composite atlas apparently assembled and coloured by an Amsterdam map publisher ca. 1706.

A complete list of the maps is available on request. Cf. Koeman, Dan 4.
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